Showing posts with label management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Redundancies should come with a pay rise

As far as I can see, there is only one reason why a company should ever make redundancies.

Due to some unforseen circumstances the business has become larger than the market conditions can support and it needs to shrink in order to bring it back in line.

Every other reason is simply a minor variation or a consequence of that underlying reason.

Therefore, if the motivation is clear, and the matter dealt with successfully, then once the redundancies are over the business should be "right sized" (we've all heard that term before), and it should be able to carry on operating with the same values, practices and approach that it did prior to the redundancies.

If the business can't, then I would suggest is that it is not the right size for the market conditions and therefore the job isn't complete.

OK, there may be some caveats to that, but to my mind this reasoning is sound.

In detail:

When you reduce the headcount of the business you look for the essential positions in the company, keep those, and get rid of the rest.

Once the redundancies are finished you should be left with only the positions you need to keep in order to operate successfully.

It's tempting to think that you should have a recruitment freeze and not back-fill positions when people leave, but if someone leaves and you don't need to replace them, then that means you didn't need that position, in which case you should have made it redundant.

Not back-filling positions is effectively the same as allowing your employees to choose who goes based on their personal motives rather than force the business heads to choose based on the business motives.  This doesn't make business sense.

So, you need to be decisive and cut as far as you can go without limiting your ability to operate within the current market conditions.

To add to that, recruitment is expensive.  If you're in a highly skilled market then you'll likely use an agency. They can easily charge 20% of a salary for a perm head.  On top of that you have the cost of bringing someone up to speed, at a time when you're running at the minimum size your market will allow.  Plus there's the cost of inefficiency during the onboarding period as well as the increased chance of the remaining overstretched employees leaving as well.

The upshot is that you really can't afford to have people leave, it's so expensive that it jeopardises the extremely hard work you did when you made the redundancies.

There's a theory I often hear that you can't have contractors working when the perm heads are being marched out.  That's a perfectly valid argument if the perm head would be of long term value to you and can do the job that the contract head can do.  But if you need the contractor to do a job that only lasts another 3 months and that person is by far the best or only person you have for the job, then the argument just doesn't stand up.  Get rid of the perm position now and use the contractor, it'll be cheaper and more beneficial to the business in the long run.

OK, that's maybe not the most sentimental of arguments, but why would you worry about hurting the feelings of people who no longer work for you, at the expense of those that still do?

It may even be worse than that - you could be jeopardising the jobs of others that remain by not operating in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Another prime example is maternity cover.  If you need the person on maternity to come back to work then you almost certainly need the person covering them. If it's early in the maternity leave then you'll have a long period with limited staff, if it's late in the leave then you only need the temporary cover for a short period more. Either way you're overstretching the perm staff left to cover them and risking having them leave.

Finally, there's the motivation to ensure that the business that remains is running as lean as possible. That costs are as low as they could be. The temptation is to cut the training and entertainments budget to minimum and pull back on the benefits package.
As soon as you do this you fundamentally change the character of the business.  If you always prided yourself on being at the forefront of training then you attracted and kept staff who valued that. If you always had an open tab on a Friday night at the local bar, then you attracted people who valued that.  Whatever it is that you are cutting back on, you are saying to people who valued it that "we no longer want to be as attractive to you as we once were; we do not value you quite as much as we did". This might not be your intention, but it is the message your staff will hear.

I put it to you that the cheapest way to reduce costs after redundancies is to be completely honest to the staff you keep. Say it was difficult, say that you're running at minimum and that a lot will be expected of whoever's left. But tell them that they're still here because they're the best of the company and they are vital to the company's success.  Let them know that the contractors you've kept are there because they're the best people for those positions to ensure that the company succeeds.  Tell them that the contractors will be gone the moment they're not generating value or when a perm head would be more appropriate.  Make it clear that the company is now at the right size and the last thing you want is for people to leave, because you value them and that if they left it would damage your ability to do business.

Then give them a pay rise and a party to prove it.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Remote workforces and the 12 golden questions

I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day about the difficulties in managing a remote team. That is a team who aren't all located in the same office. Some may be home workers, some may work in different offices.  The main crux of the discussion was around how you turn a group of people into team, garner some emotional connection between them, and to you and your company, and then get the best out of them.

After a few days of gestation and rumination it came to me. The rules are the same as with a local team - you may do different things and the problems may be more difficult to overcome, but the techniques you use are fundamentally the same.

That thinking led me back to Marcus Buckingham's fantastic book "First Break all the Rules". If you manage people and haven't read this book - shame on you. It is a must read.

One of the main arguments in the book revolves around a set of questions you should ask of your staff defined by years of research by Gallup based on the strongest signifiers of a team that is performing well.

If you get good responses to these questions then you probably have a good team.

Now I'm not going to explain the why's and wherefores of these questions, that has been done far better than I ever could in Marcus's book. Buy it and read it.

What I'd like to do is go over each of the questions and look at what you may need to do as a manager of a remote team in order to ensure that you get positive responses to these questions.

I know what is expected of me at work.

Much like you would with a locally grouped team this is as simple, and as difficult as it sounds: keeping in touch, setting targets and boundaries, being available and honest. All those things that a good manager instinctively does.

The only real difference is that it takes more effort to organise those face-to-face chats.

It starts with honesty at the interview: clearly defining the role that's on offer, what's involved and what's not involved. From there it moves to regular catch ups to get a feel for where they think they are, and for you to feed back where they actually are, then finally to ensuring that rewards and praise are given when the expectations are met and exceeded.  Put in the simplest of terms you're regularly telling them what you expect then reinforcing that with action.

For some people this will feel like constant badgering, and for others you'll never be able to do enough, but I don't think there's anything about remote working that makes this fundamentally different to managing local workers.

I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.

Every tool you would normally provide in an office you should expect to provide for a remote worker. OK, maybe not the pen and pad, but you could consider corporate branded versions of both. At least it's a reminder of who they work for!

Every bit of software you would normally provide on a desktop needs to be available in their home office. 

Every document that they may need to access on the move should be available on-line   Workers that are expected to spend most their time on client sites should have access to software that is appropriate for onsite work from any device that has internet access.  Ideally they should have offline versions too. I.e. access to versions of their software that works when not connected to the internet, that will automatically sync when the connection is made available.  If you've ever used gmail, blogger or evernote on a disconnected tablet you will know what I mean.

You need to do everything you can to limit the chances that they'll ever be in a situation where they are disconnected from their tools.

At work I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.

You might hope that this should be easier to achieve with remote workers than it would with a team in a single office.  Working on the move or at home gives people a chance to get on and do some work with out all those pesky distractions like other people.

However, its very easy to underestimate the impact remote working has on ease of communication, and in turn, the amount of time it takes to have those communications.  If you're not careful, those informal 2 minute chats in the kitchen turn into 1000 word project update documents.  You can see how there can be a death off a thousand cuts as layers of bureaucracy are added in order to keep everyone in the loop.

In addition, how can a manager see what a team member is best at when they don't physically witness them doing it.  It's not always easy in the office to spot someone's talents (or areas of difficulty for that matter) and guide them towards utilising them.  It's an order of magnitude harder when you don't spend that vital face to face time with them every day.

Ironically it can be tempting to have people fill in time-sheets and detailed updates in order to help spot the things that are done quickly and well, that are second nature, but then this simply distracts people from what they do best, and not everyone's talent is writing updates!

There's no simple answer to this. It takes a very special manager who can read their employees from a distance and a special kind of employee who is self aware enough to be honest about their strengths and weaknesses.  It starts with the culture of the management team and their all pervasive attitude towards spotting strengths.  They need to make sure that the workforce is constantly aware that this is the approach the management team is taking and that gives employees a strong incentive to be honest.

Part of that is then listening to your staff when they describe areas if difficulties. Sometimes this may highlight personal areas where the talents are lacking, in others it may be that the processes are getting in the way of providing real value. In either case you need to clearly assess the situation and act decisively and positively when needed.

It's vital that everybody is very clear about what they, and their team, do best and that people are allowed to focus on that as much as possible.

In the last 7 days I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.

This one should be simple.  All you have to do is follow the same rules that you normally would in the office: praise publicly or privately depending on the person you're dealing with.

Praise successes at the monthly get together, on the intranet, via mail, a conference call or a chat on the phone whichever is appropriate for the person and level of success.  However, whenever, just don't forget to do it.

Of course, you have to be much more diligent about this since the people you're praising aren't in front if you all the time.  It's harder to spot their frustration and disenchantment when they're not getting the praise they feel they deserve - you can't see their face and their minute by minute attitude.  For this reason I'd suggest that it's probably better to err on the side of too much praise than too little, and maybe even have a reminder in your calendar that pops up every couple of days so you don't forget.

My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.

The main thing is honesty, and if you can fake that you've got it made...

In all seriousness though, you do actually need to care.  In order to care you need to connect with people. 

You'll spot a repeating theme here, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, you can only connect with people if you communicate with them, and with a remote workforce that takes a lot of effort.

Whilst this point isn't just about the tough times, if you find someone's having a hard time then you need to break that remoteness, get yourself into their locale and meet up on neutral territory. Show that you care enough about them as a person that you'll take the time to go see them in their local cafĂ©.  Show that its not all one way, that you'll make the effort.

It's about making sure that your team know that it's not all about the work they need to do today, but it's about them as a human-being having a valued place in a team that supports each other.

For some people it will be inappropriate to cross into the personal life, maybe they like working in a remote team because of the fact that its remote. However, it can still be valuable for those people to know that you understand and respect that, rather than simply don't care about them.

Even people who don't want regular catch ups want to be reminded that you know that and you're trying your best to act in line with their desires.

You have to be extremely careful about crossing people's personal boundaries and invading into their personal space.  Be honest with yourself about that, and recognise that not everyone wants their boss to be their best friend and that for most people it would be extremely distressing if you turned up on their doorstep unannounced!

There is someone at work who encourages my development.

When you're working remotely it can sometimes seem like you have nothing other than unrealistic demands, one after the other from a manager who can then veer wildly to forgetting you exist. This is what you need to try to overcome.

There needs to be a tough combination of slack in the schedule, freedom to explore and encouragement to follow new paths.

If your team have no time to do anything other than the day's work then they have no opportunity to develop.
If they have plenty of time, but no contact then they'll feel you don't care about their development.

You need to bring conversations on development to the front and ensure that they're had out loud.
Ensure that you have a process in place to discuss the direction your staff want to move in and ensure that they have the support they need in order to take those steps.  This may involve having decent expenditure on training, on in house resources and applications, it may be as simple as just letting your staff have time to explore.  It certainly includes letting them fail from time to time and not being judgemental about the outcome.

Not all this can be done remotely. It's tough to feel the support of someone that is not physically present, and  as with so many of these points you need to acknowledge that you're going to travel. You absolutely need some face to face time.

It may be that you need to put a central training team together and fly, train or bus people in to get their training.

You should!

It may end up being more expensive than it would have been to have a co-located office and training team, but that's the decision you took when you decided to employ a remote team.

Good quality learning and development software can help, as can access to third-party on-line training catalogues and I imagine that there is a greater return on investment on these tools than there would be in a local office.  However, making courses available to people is not the same as encouraging and supporting them in their development.

Consider mentoring programmes and ensure that you pay the expenses to get people together with their mentors.  Don't just assume that the mentors know what they're doing, put a mentoring team together so that they can support each other, and ensure that you have a training budget to teaching people how to be a mentor.  Don't forget, being a mentor can be a great way to develop the mentor!

If you want your team to think you're serious about their development, you need to get serious about their development.

At work my opinions seem to count

I'd suggest that in order for a new team member to feel their opinions matter they first need to feel that their co-workers' opinions matter.

From that you can then gestate the idea that they are allowed to have opinions, leading to you following through on some of their thoughts and ideas so that they feel their ideas matter.

Simple eh?

At the core of it, as always is the need to communicate. Not just back to the team member with the big idea, or serious concern, but with the whole team.

Regularly asking for feedback and opinions and then acting upon them. Becoming known as the manager that doesn't always assume that they know better.

Technology can help with this.  Open forums with no moderation (unless it's absolutely necessary). Having everyone involved in it, from the CEO to the intern, and a culture of respect around the postings that means every question or idea is addressed with care and thought.

That's not to say that every post is publicly stated as the best idea or most insightful question there has ever been, but that common courtesy and time is given in the response.  Most sane people have no problem being told they're wrong as long as it is clear and respectful and comes with an invitation for more.

There is also the HR angle: that people need to be able to state when they think a co-worker is not up to scratch, behaving inappropriately or suchlike.

Accessibility, openness and a visible commitment to acting on information is the only way to get this feeling fostered.  And guess what, it comes back again to two way communication.

The mission / purpose of my company make me feel my job is important.

OK, so it can seem that there's very little you can do about this, either your company resonates with your employees or it doesn't. The reality is that you can affect this quite significantly.

It's all too easy to recruit without your companies values in mind. And when I say values, I don't mean those in your company brochure, I mean those true values that actually drive the business.

An estate agents is never going to be driven by anything other than selling or letting houses, and that's the way it should be. There are different ways in which you a company may approach that, but the core value is one that selling houses is a good thing, and that you'll make money out of it.

Put simply, if you're an estate agent and you hire someone who thinks that a buoyant housing market, the need for a 'property ladder', low interest rates, and easy access to credit is a bad thing then you've hired someone who will never feel their job is important.

Consider that in your recruitment process.

I'm not saying that you can't , or shouldn't have a business with a mix of opinions, merely that you should honestly recognise the limitations of internal corporate marketing.

Having said that, you do need to market the business internally. You still need to remind people why they are here, and why the company is doing what it's doing. If you don't define the culture of the business then individuals will impose a culture upon it and it may not be the one you want. An outgoing but negative employee can very easily, and often quite unintentionally impose a negative culture on the whole of a department.

As with so many of these topics, communication is the key, more so with a remote workforce than at any other time.

Let the team know what the company feels is important, and make sure you don't stray too far from the credible truth or your employees will start to think you stand for lies.

My co-workers are committed to doing quality work.

There are three significant risks with a remote workforce that can put this into jeopardy.

First - it can be difficult to spot when you have a member of the team that's not committed to quality work.

Second - it can be difficult to sot someone who thinks their team-mates are not committed to quality work.

Third - it can be difficult to ensure that everyone knows what quality work their team-mates are doing.

With many of the other points the focus is on communication in order to feedback on progress both up and down the chain of command. This is much more focused on the sideways communication.

At the simplest level this is about regular cross team updates where you ensure that everyone knows what's going on in the whole team, particularly highlighting points of note.  This directly addresses the third risk, but doesn't deal with the other two.

You need to follow it up by fostering an environment where feedback on peers is taken seriously.  You need to ensure that your team feel comfortable asking about their team mates' progress, or pointing out areas of concern or difficulty.

This involves giving an honest and clear response.

If you feel the comments are unjustified you need to be able to clearly state why, but still then ensure you take the comments on board and react to them. Recognise that they may know more about the situation than you do.  You need to give that dual impression - you value feedback, and that you value your staff - you'll hear criticism and concern and act to rectify issues, but you'll defend and protect when it is unjustified.

I have a good friend at work?

Obviously a collection of remote workers have far fewer chances to socialise than those working together in an office.  They'll never just decide to go to the pub on a Wednesday evening and never naturally make those odd cross department smoking cliques, nor football ones neither - all simply because they're not at the office.  This means they are far less likely to make the same kinds of personal connections than they would otherwise.

The problem and potential solutions are fairly clear but easy to overlook.

You absolutely have to have a higher than usual entertainments budget. You have to meet up at least every month in order for those face to face relationships to blossom. But it's more than that. You have to foster an environment where building remote relationships is also the norm. You have to provide virtual replacements for the Wednesday evening pub and smoker's corner.

For example, your management team must have a relaxed attitude when communicating via mail.  It has to be clear that email system is more than just a business tool, that it can be a social one too. You have to make an effort to build an environment in which social networks will blossom.

Consider tools like Yammer (corporate social networking site) and then push the management to actually use them, for a combination of business and social reasons.

Provide the mechanism to allow for the hosting of virtual book clubs, badminton ladders and a Modern Warfare 3 clan.

Recognise the kinds of people you have employed and ensure that they have a means of accessing people at work who are like minded and then make it feel normal that they will reach out and find each other.

What offices you do have, don't be afraid to add a big chill out area and kitchen so that when people are in the office they get that reinforcement - "this is a company where we actively encourage you to be friends"

In the last six months someone at work has talked to me about my progress.

There is no reason why this should be difficult. Organise regular meetings, on-line or otherwise, to discuss progress. Have a solid process in place that can flex for individual needs.  All the things you would normally do.  Every six months is a bare minimum, every two is OK, once a month is ideal - as a general rule.

I could labour the point, but I think most of what needs to be said has been said already!

This last year I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.

It can be very tempting to feel that your home workers are sitting at home happy in the knowledge that they're doing a good job and have a great work home life balance. Maybe that's true. Maybe all they want is to get their job done and then play in the garden with their kids.


However, just because they're remote doesn't mean they're not ambitious.  I don't think there's any reason why a home worker will be any less likely than an office one to want to progress, either in their career, or personally.

Also, not every remote worker is a home worker.

Those team members that are sitting at a desk 50 miles away, out of sight, are more able to look for opportunities outside of your company than someone that's sat 5 metres away.  Take their progress as seriously as you would any other staff member's.

Catch up regularly to learn about their goals and then do what you can to help them reach the realistic ones, learn about their career concerns and do what you can to help them overcome them, or to placate them.
Tailor your roles to suit the talents and desires of your team members and make sure you give the ones who need, deserve and are up to it the opportunity to stretch themselves in new directions.

If you don't give your team members the encouragement and opportunity to develop then they'll find the opportunities through a new role in a new company, and just like your local workers, you'll have no idea it's going to happen until it's too late.

So, do more than you think you need to!


Good management is good management, regardless of how local or remote the team is, and good management takes effort.

The truth of the matter is that with a remote workforce that effort is increased.  You need to be more astute, more available and more willing to put the effort in than if your team is sat next to you.  You lose so many of the visual and social clues that a good manager uses every day to gauge the health of its team that you need to compensate in many other areas.  You also have to acknowledge that you're not likely to be as effective, it simply isn't possible.

You need to get imaginative about how you remain in contact, how you foster a team spirit and an emotional connection.  Technology plays a part, of course it does. Good collaboration tools with social media aspects make it possible to create social groups within your company and allow those people to seek out like minded individuals in a way that simply wasn't possible, or necessary, 10 years ago.  However, the technology isn't a panacea. You still need to create an environment in which people actually want to connect.  Without the right cultural context, you'll simply have a dead application
Still, the rules are simple and the techniques familiar.  There's nothing fundamentally different about managing a remote team, you're still dealing with people, after all.

If you honestly care about your role as a manager, a need to create a team that performs and are willing and able to put the time in, then you probably won't go far wrong.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Measuring the time left

Burn-down (and burn-up, for that matter) charts are great for those that are inclined to read them, but some people don't want to have to interpret a pretty graph, they just want a simple answer to the question "How much will it cost?"

That is if, like me, you work in what might be termed a semi-agile*1 arena then you also need some hard and fast numbers. What I am going to talk about is a method for working out the development time left on a project that I find to be pretty accurate. I'm sure that there are areas that can be finessed, but this is a simple calculation that we perform every few days that gives us a good idea of where we are.

The basis.

It starts with certain assumptions:

You are using stories.

OK, so they don't actually have to be called stories, but you need to have split the planned functionality into small chunks of manageable and reasonably like sized work.
Having done that you need to have a practice of working on each chunk until its finished before moving on to the next, and have a customer team test and accept or sign off that work soon after the developers have built it.
You need that so that you uncover your bugs, or unknown work as early as possible, so you can account for them in your numbers.

Your customer team is used to writing stories of the same size.

When your customer team add stories to the mix you can be confident that you won't always have to split them into smaller stories before you estimate and start working on them.
This is so you can use some simple rules for guessing the size of the work that your customer team has added but your developers have not yet estimated.

You estimate using a numeric value.

It doesn't matter if you use days work, story points or function points, as long as it is expressed as a number, and that something estimated to take 2 of your unit is expected to take the same as 2 things estimated at 1.
If you don't have this then you cant do any simple mathematics on the numbers you have and it'll make your life much harder.

Your developers quickly estimate the bulk of the work before anything is started.

This is not to say that the whole project has a Gandalf like startup: "Until there is a detailed estimate, YOU SHALL NOT PASS"; rather that you T-shirt cost, or similar, most of your stories so that you have some idea of the overall cost of the work you're planning.
You need this early in the project so that you have a reasonable amount of data to work with

Your developers produce consistent estimates.

Not that your developers produce accurate estimates, but that they tend to be consistent; if one story is underestimated, then the next one is likely to be.
This tends to be the case if the same group of developers estimate all the stories that they all involve making changes to the same system. If a project involves multiple teams or systems then you may want to split them into sub projects for the means of this calculation.

You keep track of time spent on your project.

Seriously, you do this right?
It doesn't need to be a detailed analysis of what time is spent doing what, but a simple total of how much time has been spent by the developers, split between the time spent on stories and that on fixing defects.
If you don't do this, even on the most agile of projects, then your bosses and customer team don't have the real data that they need to make the right decisions.
You, and they, are walking a fine line to negligent

If you have all these bits then you've got something that you can work with...

The calculation.

The calculation is simple, and based on the following premises:

  • If your previous estimates were out, they will continue to be out by the same amount for the whole of the project.
  • The level of defects created by the developers and found by the customer team will remain constant through the whole project.
  • Defects need to be accounted for in the time remaining.
  • Un-estimated stories will be of a similar size to previously completed work. 

The initial variables:

totalTimeSpent = The total time spent on all development work (including defects).

totalTimeSpentOnDefects = The total time spent by developers investigating and fixing defects.

numberOfStoriesCompleted = The count of the number of stories that the development team have completed and released to the customer.

storiesCompletedEstimate = The sum of the original estimates against the stories that have been completed and released to the customer.

totalEstimatedWork = The sum of the developers' estimates against stories and defects that are yet to do.

numberOfStoriesCompleted = The count of  number of a stories that have been completed by the development team and released to the customer.

numberOfUnEstimatedStories = The count of the number of stories that have been raised by the customer but not yet estimated by the development team.

numberOfUnEstimatedDefects = The count of the number of defects that have been found by the customer but not yet estimated by the development team.
Using these we can work out:

Time remaining on work that has been estimated by the development team.

For this we use a simple calculation on the previous accuracy of the estimates.
This includes taking into account the defects that will be found, and need to be fixed against the new feunctionality that will be built.

estimateAccuracy = totalTimeSpent / storiesCompletedEstimate

predictedTimeRemainingOnEstimatedWork = ( totalEstimatedWork * estimateAccuracy )

Time remaining on work that has not been estimated by the development team.

In order to calculate this, we rely on the assumptions that the customer team have got used to writing stories of about the same size every time.
You may need to get a couple of developers to help with this by splitting things up with the customer team as they are creating them. I'd be wary of getting then to estimate work though.
averageStoryCost = totalTimeSpent / numberOfStoriesCompleted

predictedTimeRemainingOnUnEstimatedStories = numberOfUnEstimatedStories * averageStoryCost

averageDefectCost = totalTimeSpentOnDefects / numberOfStoriesCompleted

predictedTimeRemainingOnUnEstimatedDefects = numberOfUnEstimatedDefects * averageDefectCost 

Total predicted time remaining

The remaining calculation is then simple, it's the sum of the above parts.
We've assessed the accuracy of previous estimates, put in an allocation for bugs not yet found, and assigned a best guess estimate against things the development team haven't yet put their own estimate.
totalPredictedTimeRemaining = predictedTimeRemainingOnEstimatedWork + predictedTimeRemainingOnUnEstimatedStories + predictedTimeRemainingOnUnEstimatedDefects 

The limitations

I find this calculation works well, as long as you understand its limitations.
I hope to present some data in this blog very soon, as we already have some empirical evidence that it works.
Admittedly, for the first 20% or so of the project the numbers coming out of thus will fluctuate quite a bit. This is because there isn't enough 'yesterday's weather' data to make it the estimate accuracy calculation meaningful. The odd unexpectedly easy (or hard) story can have a bit effect on the numbers.
Also, if your testing and accepting of stories lags far behind your development or if you don't fix your bugs first, you will under estimate the number of bugs in the system. However, if you know these things you can react to them as you go along.

Further Work

I am not particularly inclined to make changes to this calculation, as the assumptions and limitations are perfectly appropriate for the teams that I work with. For other teams this may not be the case, and I might suggest some slight alterations if you think they'd work for you.

Estimating number of defects not yet found.

It seems reasonable for you to look at the average number of defects raised per story accepted and use this to work out the number of defects that have not yet been found.  These could then be included in your calculation based on the average cost of defects that you've already fixed.
This might be a good idea if you have a high level of defects being raised in your team.  I'd say high as meaning anything over about 20% of your time being spent fixing defects.

Using the estimate accuracy of previous projects at the start of the new.

As I pointed out earlier, a limitation of this method is the fact that you have limited information at the start of the project and so you can't rely on the numbers being generated for some time.  A way of mitigating this is to assume that this project will go much like the previous one.
You can then use the estimate accuracy (and defect rate, if you calculated one) from your previous project in order to mitigate the lack of information in this.
If you're using the same development team and changing the same (or fundamentally similar) applications, then this seems entirely appropriate.

*1 Semi-agile: I'd define this is where the development of software is performed in a full agile manner, but the senior decision makers still rely on business case documentation, project managers and meeting once a month for updates.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Happiness Meter

As part of any iteration review / planning meeting there should be a section where everybody involved talks about how they felt the last iteration went, what they thought stood in the way, what they though went particularly well and suchlike.

We find that as the project goes on, and the team gets more and more used to each other, this tends to pretty much always dissolve into everyone going "alright I suppose", "yeah fine".

Obviously, this isn't ideal and will tend to mean that you only uncover problems in the project when they've got pretty serious and nerves are pretty frayed.

This is where "The Happiness Meter" comes in.

Instead of asking the team if they think things are going OK and having most people respond non-committally, ask people to put a value against how happy they are with the last iteration's progress. Any range of values is fine, just as long as it has enough levels in it to track subtle movements. I'd go with 1-10.

You don't need strict definitions for each level, it's enough to say '1 is completely unacceptable, 5 is kinda OK, 10 is absolute perfection'.

At some point in the meeting, everyone in the team declares their level of happiness. When I say everyone, I mean everyone: developers, customers, XP coaches, infrastructure guys, project managers, technical authors, absolutely everyone who is valuable enough to have at the iteration review meeting should get a say.

In order to ensure that everyone gets to provide their own thought, each person writes down their number and everyone presents it at the same time. The numbers are then taken recorded and a graph is drawn.

From the graph we should be able to see:
  1. The overall level of happiness at the progress of the project.

  2. If there is any splits / factions in the interpretation of the progress.

If the level of happiness is low, this should be investigated; if there are any splits, this should be investigated; and just as importantly - if there are any highs, this should be investigated. It's good to know why things go well so you can duplicate it over the next iteration.

Factions tend to indicate that one part of the team has more power than the rest and the project is skewed into their interests rather than those of the team as a whole.

You may want to split the graph into different teams (customer / developer) if you felt that was important, but I like to think of us all as one team on the same side...

All said and done, the graph isn't the important bit - the discussion that comes after the ballot is the crucial aspect. This should be a mechanism for getting people to talk openly about the progress of the project.

UPDATE: Someone at work suggested a new name that I thought I should share: The Happy-O-Meter.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ideas for improving innovation and creativity in an IS department

At our work we've set up a few 'action teams' to try to improve particular aspects of our working environment.

The team that I'm a member of is responsible for 'Innovation and Creativity'.

We're tasked with answering the question "How do we improve innovation and creativity in IS?" - How we can foster an environment that encourages innovation rather than stifles it.

As a bit of a background, the company is a a medium sized (2,500 plus employees) based mainly in the UK, but recently spreading through the world, the vast majority of whom are not IS based. The IS department is about 100 strong and includes a development team of 25 people. It's an SME at the point where it's starting to break into the big-time and recognises that it needs to refine its working practices a little in order to keep up with the pace of expansion.

We met early last week and have put together a proposal to be taken to the senior management tier. I get a feeling it will be implemented since our team included the IS Director (you don't get any senior in our department), but you never know what'll happen.

I figured it might be interesting to record my understanding of the plan as it stands now, and then take another look in 6 months time to see what's happened to it...

We decided that in order to have an environment that fosters creativity and innovation you need:


Time for ideas for form, for you to explore them, and then to put them into practice.


Outside influences that that can help to spark those ideas off - this may be from outside the organisation, or through cross-pollination within it.


The conviction to try things, to allow them to fail or succeed on their own merit - both on the part of the individual and the organisation as a whole.

Natural Selection:

The need to recognise success when it happens, to take it into the normal operation of the business and make it work in practice. Also, the need to recognise failure when it happens, and stop that from going into (or continuing to exist within) the team.


When we have a good idea, the people involved need to be celebrated. When we have a bad idea, the people involved DO NOT need to be ridiculed.


The initial ideas aren't always the ones that are successful, it's the 4th, 5th or 125th refinement of that idea that forms the breakthrough. We need to understand what we've tried, and recognise how and why each idea has failed or succeeded so we can learn from that.

We put together some concrete ideas on how we're going to help put these in place - and bear in mind that this isn't just for the development team, this is for the whole of the IS department - development, project management, infrastructure, operations, service-desk, even the technology procurement...


A position set up that will be responsible for defining / tracking a curriculum for each job role in the department.

Obviously this will be fed by those people that currently fulfil the roles, and will involve things ranging from ensuring the process documentation is up to scratch, through specifying reading lists (and organising the purchasing of the books for the staff) and suggesting / collecting / booking conferences, training courses and the like that might be of use.

This takes the burden of responsibility away from the staff and managers - all you need is the idea and someone else will organise it and ensure it's on the curriculum for everyone else to follow up.

IdeaSpace (TM ;-) ):

A forum for the discussion of ideas, and collection of any documentation produced on those ideas and their investigation. This will (hopefully) form a library of past investigations as well as a stimulus for future ones. Everyone in the department will be subscribed to it.

Lab days:

Every employee is entitled to 2 days a month outside of their normal job to explore some idea they might have. That time can be sandbagged to a point, although you can't take more than 4 days in one stint. Managers have to approve the time in the lab (so that it can be planned into existing projects) and can defer the time to some extent, but if requests are forthcoming they have to allow at least 5 days each rolling quarter so that the time can't be deferred indefinitely.

Whilst the exact format of the lab is yet to be decided, we're aiming to provide space away from the normal desks so that their is a clear separation from the day job and lab time. People will be encouraged to take time in the lab as a team as well as individually. Also, if we go into the lab for 3 days to find that an idea doesn't work, that idea should still be documented and the lab time regarded as a success (we learnt something)

Dragon's Den:

Gotta admit, I'm not sure about some of the connotations of this - but the basic idea is sound. Coming out of time in the Lab should be a discussion with peers about the conclusion of the investigation in a Dragon's Den format. This allows the wider community to discuss the suitability of the idea for future investigations, or even immediate applicability. One output of this meeting may be the formalisation of conclusions in the IdeaSpace.

Press Releases:

The company is already pretty good at this, but when something changes for the better we will ensure that we celebrate those changes and, even for a day, put some people up on pedestals.

None of the above should be seen as a replacement for just trying things in our day to day job - but the idea is that these things should help stress to the department that change and progress are important aspects of what we do, and that we value it enough to provide a structure in which big ideas can been allowed to gestate. Cross pollination and communication should just form part of our normal day job anyway, and we should ensure that our project teams are cohesive and communicate freely amongst and between themselves.

Also, an important factor in the success of the above has to be the format of the Dragon's Den - if it is in any way imposing or nerve-racking then the idea is doomed to failure. As soon as people feel under pressure to justify themselves then the freedom disappears.

I'm quite excited by the prospect of putting these ideas into practice, and I wonder exactly where we'll end up.

I'll keep you all posted.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A reading list for our developers

An idea I'm thinking of trying to get implemented at our place is a required reading list for all our developers. A collection of books that will improve the way that developers think about their code, and they ways in which they solve problems. The company would buy the books as gifts to the employees, maybe one or two every three months.

Some questions though:

  • Is it fair for a company to expect its employees to read educational material out of hours?

  • Is it fair for an employee to expect to be moved forward in their career without a little bit of personal development outside the office?

If anyone has any books out there that they'd recommend - please let me know. Otherwise, here's my initial ideas - the first three would be in your welcome pack:

Update:Gary Myers came up with a good point, being that any book should really be readable on public transport. That probably rules out Code Complete (although I read it on the tube, I can see that it's a little tricky), but Design Patterns and Refactoring to Patterns are small enough I reckon.

Unfortunately, Code Complete is a really good book that gives a lot of great, simple, valuable advice. Does anyone out there have any other suggestions for similar books?

Update 2:Andy Beacock reminded me of Fowler's Refactoring, which really should also make the list.

Update 3:The development team have bought into the idea and the boss has been asked. In fact, I'm pretty pleased with the enthusiasm shown by the team for the idea. I can't see the boss turning it down. Interestingly though, someone suggested that Code Complete go onto the list...

In this order:

Ruled out because of their size: