Friday, September 02, 2005

A little more conversation

In my usual style, I'm finding it difficult to walk away from a conversation on Wilfred van der Deijl's blog, this time with a guy called Chuck.

His comment can be found here, with my reply following close behind.

I wouldn't normally link to a comment like this, but I feel the message I'm trying to get across with the Patch Runner is well illustrated by my confusions about Chuck's company's approach.

As he clearly points out, the CMM level 3 accreditation states that the process is repeatable, but not necessarily appropriate.

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For a while now I've been reading the consistently amusing Daily WTF. Well now, thanks to William Robertson, James Padfield, Thai Rices and Adrian Billington we have the Oracle WTF. It's started well...

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Database Upgrade Scripts – Why all the effort?

On Wilfred van der Deijl's blog, Chuck (amongst other things) effectively asks:

"How much effort do you dedicate to total automation when you still need someone smart enough to [deal with failures]".

In order to address this I think I first want to address the question, what are we trying to do with automation.
The aim of is to make it easy to re-run the upgrade with as little effort as possible, with as many configruations as possible, thus testing the upgrade as much as possible and hopefully making the upgrade solid and reliable. Of course we can't make sure that the upgrade works every time with every configuration of data, but we can make sure it runs successfully a lot more often than it doesn't.

This gives us confidence in our ability to change the databases, and in doing so makes us more likely to re-work difficult data structures rather than work around them. This means that our database is better to work with, which makes our jobs easier.

Also, whenever we make a problem free roll-out we increase the confidence the rest of the business has in our ability to do our job. It makes them more open to receiving more upgrades more often and makes them easier to roll them out when we do. This means our customers get their bug fies earlier and their enhancements earlier, and can therefore give us feedback on where to make more enhancements earlier in the software's lifespan.

In short, making the upgrades solid helps us write better software by allowing us to focus on the software rather than the software roll-out, and the customer on the possibilities of new software rather than software failure..

How does automation give us this? Well, the ability to automate builds does not, it's the way in which those automated builds are used that does: Why not make it possible for an overnight process to perform the upgrade to as many different production databases as you can gather the resources to do?

In putting together an automated build plan we want builds on test databases that occur every night, using recent (that day's?) backups of production systems. We want to be able to run through the upgrade as it would occur on live as many times as possible, and we want to do that without draining our resources to the point that it's all we are doing.

If we can have unattended backups of our live system, unattended rebuilds of that live system on a test server, unattended upgrading of that database and then unattended testing of the resultant application, then we can eaily test the upgrade of the live system from the moment the project starts to the night before the production upgrade takes place.

If we do this, then the odds are that by the time we decide to upgrade the production system we know about that last minute data problem that will cause the build to fail. We'll have fixed the problem before the upgrade started, and we'll have dealt with in when we're not in a panic, we'll have done all this without teams of users waiting for the production database to come back up.

Our aim is not to have a completely unskilled worker to perform the task of upgrading the production database, but to make sure the upgrade will go smoothly far more often than not. We want that standby DBA to stay on standby.

That seems like worth a bit of effort to me!

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Friday, August 12, 2005

A seminal essay and a difference of opinion

Thanks to Wilfred van der Deijl's post here, I've just read a January 2003 article by Martin Fowler and Pramod Sadalage... and I can't believe that I had previously missed it!

Martin and Pramod very clearly discuss the overarching issues that appear once you start to look at database development in an agile manner, and you can very easily see from their discussion how important a clear and solid patch runner structure is to successful agile database development.

Not long after this article was written we were just starting to think about the same practices and many of the conclusions we came to matched. Not least the need to implement sandbox databases for each workspace and the need for consistent test data across those databases.

However, our conclusions did differ in one fundamental way, and I find it difficult to understand Martin and Pramod's (M&P) approach in this particular area.

My issue relates directly to the propagation of database changes across the development team. In M&P's approach, database changes are automatically applied to the development workspaces as they occur, managed by the team's DBA. They point out that:

'people are usually concerned that automatically updating developers databases underneath them will cause a problem, but we found that it worked just fine'

I am one of those concerned people. I am concerned in the same way that I would be if I was told that the source code I was working with would be automatically updated at regular intervals as changes occurred. Let me rephrase the above statement with that in mind:

'people are usually concerned that automatically updating developers source code underneath them will cause a problem, but we found that it worked just fine'

Suddenly the statement does not seem quite so reasonable!

In order to develop I need to clearly understand what is within my control and what is outside of my control. I need to be able to rely on the known state of my own workspace. For me, this is a founding principle behind the idea of the development workspace as a sandbox.
A given version of an application is developed to run against a given version of the database. Because of this, the database is as much a part of the workspace as the rest of the source code.

There is also the issue of the database change being applied in advance of the related code change being checked into the version control system, and the manual process therefore required. In M&P's process they will notify the DBA of the changes required once they are decided upon. At some point in the near future the DBA will then make the changes to the central databases and the changes will propagate to the development workspaces. As this happens there are three clear risks that I can see:

1.The database schema change is made a significant amount of time before or after the associated code change is committed to version control.
2.The change required by the developer is miscommunicated to the DBA and an incorrect change is applied.
3.The change is mistakenly applied to development databases that are following a different branch to that in which the change is made.

In all the above cases, the effective result is that the change may invalidate a particular component of the application due to the development (or integration) database being out of step with the source code being ran against that database.
I believe all this risks can be mitigated against by making the following changes to the described process:

1.Make the developers responsible for producing the actual patches that will be eventually be ran against all databases, development, through integration to live. These patches should form part of an clear structured patch runner, and should be placed in version control alongside the rest of the application source code.

2.Make each developer responsible for the maintenance of their own database workspace. Make it easy for a developer to upgrade their database, and make them do so using those scripts that will be ran against all other instances of the database. Make it part of the routine that immediately after updating their source code workspace they upgrade their database.

3.Put the database upgrade into the automated build / continuous integration test suite and ensure that the build being performed by the automated build is exactly the same as that which would be ran on the live system.

These practices have the added advantage of minimising the amount of work required by the DBA, who can exist in a more advisory role within the team.

Of course, there are times where data migrations will take a non trivial amount of time to complete. In these cases it is important that developers are warned of the fact and are able to schedule times when these changes take place so as to minimise the impact on their work.

Having said this, agile database development is a new venture for most everybody involved, and work such as this should not be underestimated, and cannot understated. There will likely be many different ideas on this topic, coming from many different people, and it's a pleasure to be involved. It is very easy to forget just how much database development has evolved in the last 10 years!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Named Notation Parameters in easy to read unit test shock!

One of the better kept secrets of Oracle is the ability to use 'named parameter passing' over 'positional parameter passing'. Oracle covers it here.

That is, if I want to call a procedure that has three parameters that have defaults, and I want to a value pass into the third parameter, I can do so by referencing the name of the third parameter….

Give the function definition:
    FUNCTION insert_employee( pn_department_id  NUMBER := NULL
, pn_manager_id NUMBER := NULL
, pc_employee_name VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER;

Can be called by performing the following:
    vn_employee_id := insert_employee( pc_employee_name => 'Rob Baillie' );

OK, so in the example given it may make a lot more sense to just order the parameters a little better, like have the employee name first, but you get the idea.

So, it looks cool, and you may be able to think of a few instances where it may prove useful. It can be handy if you think your procedure signatures are likely to change and you have an out parameter you want to keep to the end of the procedure definition...

    FUNCTION insert_employee( pc_employee_name IN     VARCHAR2 
, pn_department_id IN NUMBER := NULL
, pn_manager_id IN NUMBER := NULL
, pc_error_message OUT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN NUMBER;

It can be regarded as tidy make sure that error message parameter is at the bottom, but without having named parameter notation you would never get the benefit of the default parameters, and would have to change all your calls if you ever added a new field between the department and manager id.

Quite handy, but nothing really earth shattering.

The place where we’ve found the most use is in unit tests...

Lets say we’re writing a test for the function:

    FUNCTION insert_holiday( pn_employee_id   IN     NUMBER
, pd_from_date IN DATE
, pd_to_date IN DATE
, pc_error_message OUT VARCHAR2 ) RETURN BOOLEAN;

Lets say that this function has many different ways it can fail: Any of the parameters being NULL, the from data being later than the to date, the total number of days over the allocation...

In each case the function will fail in the same way. Fail to insert the holiday record, return FALSE and set pc_error_message to the reason why it failed.

In order to test for this conditions we write a simple failure check procedure with a signature along the lines of:
    PROCEDURE check_insert_holiday_fails( pc_context      VARCHAR2
, pn_employee_id NUMBER := 7438
, pd_from_date DATE := TRUNC( SYSDATE ) + 10
, pd_to_date DATE := TRUNC( SYSDATE ) + 17 )

Each of the insert_holiday’s input parameters are duplicated on the check procedure, and set to be valid values for that procedure.
Check_insert_holiday_fails calls insert_holiday with the passed in values and goes on to check for the correct three error conditions: No increase in number of holiday records, returning false and passing back an error message.

The pc_context is appended to each of the assertion texts in order to give a nice readout. So, for example, the check false assertion may be (using UtPlsql):

    utAssert.this( 'When ' || pc_context ||', insert_holiday returns false', NOT vb_result );

The idea is that if the procedure was called with only the context value specifed, the call to the tested insert_holiday function would be successful (and the test would fail, if that makes sense!).

So, we have a single procedure that will check that a failure state is returned, covering all the components. We can then call this with our error states, using the named parameter notation in order to only change the parameters we are interested in changing. E.G.

    check_insert_holiday_fails( 'invalid employee_id'    , pn_employee_id => -1 );
check_insert_holiday_fails( 'NULL employee_id' , pn_employee_id => NULL );
check_insert_holiday_fails( 'from date after to date', pd_from_date => SYSDATE + 5, pd_to_date => SYSDATE + 2 );
check_insert_holiday_fails( 'from date in past' , pd_from_date => SYSDATE - 1 );
check_insert_holiday_fails( 'to date in past' , pd_to_date => SYSDATE - 1 );

The use of the named notation means that only the parameters important to the failure are stated, rather than the full list. This makes it easier to see each individual test case clearly. If the procedure being tested has a lot of parameters, then the advantage becomes very clear!

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Update: Sorry for the chnage in permalink address. I just couldn't handle the typo in the title!